In order to make our invoice processing more efficient, we have switched to the electronic processing purchase invoices and e-invoice handling.

Technical information about e-invoicing:

Company information
Name: Widni Oy
Business ID: 2591410-8

Sending information
E-invoice address: 003725914108
Operator code: 003708599126
Operator: Open Text Oy

 If you are not able to send e-invoice, you can send PDF invoice via email towidni@heeros-invoices.fi.com

  • Each e-mail should contain only one attachment
  • Each PDF attachment should contain only one invoice
  • The total e-mail size connot exceed 10Mb

Please send paper invoices to the address below :
Widni Oy
Valokaari 8

For further information, please contact taloushallinto@widni.fi

Published: 01.03.2022